Art of Computing
February 17th and 18th, 2024. IISc Bangalore.
Venue: A. V. Rama Rao Auditorium, Chemical Sciences Building, IISc
Visual Art in Computing: It’s All Fun and Games Until You Can’t Pass Math
Abstract: Bootstrap is one of the largest computing outreach programs in the US (and sees use in other countries too). Unlike most other programs in this space, which teach computing as a stand-alone discipline, Bootstrap emphasizes integration, i.e., teaching computing in conjunction with other subjects like algebra, physics, and data science. Key parts of the Bootstrap curriculum make extensive use of visual media: images, animations, and video games. In addition to describing the project overall, I will discuss these uses of visual media. This will force us to discuss the role of creativity and how it ties to accomplishing necessary and important curricular goals. We will also touch on accessibility issues.
Speaker Bio
Shriram is the Vice President for Programming Languages at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA. He’s not, really, but that’s what it says on his business card. At heart, he's a person of ill-repute: a Schemer, Racketeer, and Pyreteer. He believes tropical fruit are superior to all other kinds. He is terrified of success, because he may be forced to buy a suit. He is known to interrogate his audiences to ensure they’re paying attention. So, be alert. You can read email later.