Seminars in Honour of Prof. Ravi Kannan’s 70th birthday
IISc Bangalore along with IIT Delhi brings to you a seminar series in honour of the 70th Birthday of Prof. Ravi Kannan. In light of his notable contributions, we present a series of lectures by researchers in Theoretical Computer Science and Machine Learning.
Prof. Kannan is currently a principal researcher in the Algorithms Research Group at Microsoft Research India in Bangalore. Before joining Microsoft, Kannan was the William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Yale University. Prior to that, he has also taught at MIT and CMU. At CMU, Kannan was the founder of the Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO) Program. He also was the 2011 winner of the Association for Computing Machinery's Knuth Prize in recognition of his influential work spanning many areas of theoretical computer science including lattices and their applications, geometric algorithms, machine learning, and computational linear algebra. Prior to that, in 1991 he won the Fulkerson Prize for his work on estimating the volume of convex sets. He has also won the Distinguished Alumnus Award from IIT Bombay in 1999.
Please join us for a day of seminars on 15th of May, 2023 at the CSA Department at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The seminars would be held at CSA Lecture Hall (Room 254), starting at 10.00am. We would also be hosting the sessions online for those who are unable to join us in person.
10:00 AM — 10:30 AM: Tea/coffee

10:30 AM — 10:35 AM: Welcome address by Chiranjib Bhattacharyya
10:35 AM — 10:50 AM: Contributions of Ravindran Kannan by Amit Kumar

10:50 AM — 11:15 AM: Outliers: How to Handle Them by Naveen Garg
11:15 AM — 11:40 AM: Online and Dynamic Algorithms for Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Set by Arindam Khan
11:40 AM — 12:05 AM: Online Load Balancing with Recourse by Ravishankar Krishnaswamy
12:05 PM — 12:30 PM: Coresets for tensor factorization and Bregman clustering by Anirban Dasgupta

12:30 PM — 01:30 PM: Lunch

02:00 PM — 02:25 PM: Towards neural networks robust to distribution shifts by Prateek Jain
02:25 PM — 02:50 PM: Sampling Ex-Post Fair Rankings by Amit Deshpande
02:50 PM — 03:15 PM: Recovering Planted Subgraphs Using Semidefinite Programming by Anand Louis
03:15 PM — 03:40 PM: Collective Welfare as a Metric in Algorithmic Decision Making by Siddharth Barman

03:40 PM — 04:00 PM: Coffee Break

04:00 PM — 05:00 PM: Comments and Felicitation
